
創作活動録 -袖振り合うも他生の縁

月別: 2024年6月

宗教考 -宗教と哲学-

This truth encompasses both science and religion: science as a linear path of thought and curiosity, and religion as a harmonious circle emphasizing feeling over thinking. Humans embody balance, with equal roles for left and right brain functions. Morality, often taught as paternal wisdom, reflects this duality, seen across various philosophies and religions. Samurai culture, for example, integrates physical and intellectual disciplines, balancing masculine and feminine aspects. Philosophy and religion, as masculine and feminine counterparts, respectively, require integration for true understanding, as symbolized by yin-yang, where each contains a part of the other.

日常考 (一)

日常 (一) 燕の時期  昔から毎春、私の住む家に燕が子育てに訪れる。去年の暮れから手先が凍てついて動かなくなるギリギリまで窓や障子は開けっ放しにしており、夕暮れの光量低下や鴉の鳴き声、朝を迎える鳥たちの声と日の出、新聞 […]