
創作活動録 -袖振り合うも他生の縁



Proposal for Japan’s Construction Industry IssuesLabor: Overtime regulations demand fair wages and healthy work hours. Shortening project timelines increases overtime, risking worker health and accidents.Social Health: Neglecting physical, mental, and community health harms social well-being, leading to dysfunction and inefficiency.

性格タイプ論について 概観

The rise of personality typology mirrors past trends, like Four Pillars Astrology, which influenced societal behaviors. Both reflect a shift in modern culture towards focusing on the mind amidst a materialistic age.

宗教考 -宗教と哲学-

This truth encompasses both science and religion: science as a linear path of thought and curiosity, and religion as a harmonious circle emphasizing feeling over thinking. Humans embody balance, with equal roles for left and right brain functions. Morality, often taught as paternal wisdom, reflects this duality, seen across various philosophies and religions. Samurai culture, for example, integrates physical and intellectual disciplines, balancing masculine and feminine aspects. Philosophy and religion, as masculine and feminine counterparts, respectively, require integration for true understanding, as symbolized by yin-yang, where each contains a part of the other.

人間関係と法 -和の精神を支えるもの-

立春の候、明けましておめでとうございます。  日本は元々旧暦(太陰太陽暦)を採用しており、節季や節句をはじめ、あいさつ文に使われる語句も旧暦の月日に由来する。暦の算出には天文学や自然科学を基とした陰陽師が携わっており、陰 […]